• The rmr2 package, part of the RHadoop project, gives R developers access to big data using Hadoop Mapreduce; downloaded more than 2 million times;
  • altair_recipes, a Python package implementing high-level statistical graphics primitives such as boxplot and histogram which generate interactive web graphics;
  • autosig, a Python package that helps designing good APIs by allowing to express properties of function signatures and arguments in a reusable way;
  • rightload, a machine-learning powered web proxy for RSS feeds, takes your feedback about each entry and turns it into a score; yes, yet-another-algorithmic-feed, but this one only answerable to its user;
  • dplyr.spark, an R package that provides a Spark backend for dplyr;
  • quickcheck, an R package supporting randomized software testing;
  • plyrmr, an R package that leverages both Hadoop Mapreduce and Spark, providing an easier to use, plyr-like API for data manipulation;
  • See also my Github.