An unbiased analysis of census data reveals not one but many maps of the United States. plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

The original inspiration for this post comes from a New York Times article. By combining 6 socio-economic observables at a the county level, the author puts together a map that in his view describes where life is hard in America. My goal here is not the question that map or the article’s conclusions, but to revisit its methods. The choice of the 6 variables – “education (percentage of residents with at least a bachelor’s degree), median household income, unemployment rate, disability rate, life expectancy and obesity” – may seem pretty uncontroversial at first. But right in the comments you can find reasonable complaints – and a few creative ones. Why obesity and not some other disease? And how can income be compared when cost of living is so different among different counties? Why not include natural beauty in the statistics? Then there is the issue of combining the 6 variables. One can’t average life expectancy and income, or weight and education. So the author decides to take the ranks of each variable and average those. That may sound neutral but it isn’t. It’s like saying that the difference in income between the richest and poorest county, about $85k, is equivalent to the difference in life expectancy, 11 years. If it were my life, I’d put a higher price on it. Only moderately reassuring is the claim that the ranks are highly correlated and slight variations in the method, such as excluding a variable, are of little consequence. The other problem I have with this method is that it aims straight for the conclusion, but one suspects there is more in the data. It’s easy to find counties that rank pretty high overall but where the median income is not that high or other discrepancies. Even if the main story is that those 6 variables are correlated, one would like to hear about the side plots.

The starting point of my investigation is the census data. I used unzip, xls2csv and split to get csv files – the latter step is because xls2csv concatenates multiple sheets during the conversion, but luckily they are all the same length. Once that’s done, we start creating a data frame

files = list.files("splits/") =
    read.csv(file.path("splits", fname), nrows = 3198, fill = FALSE) =
  function (df)
    df[,sapply(df, function(x) length(unique(x))) >50]
all = lapply(files, function(x)
census =, all)

The cleaning starts removing columns that don’t really represent observables but metadata, like notes about how the data was collected. The heuristic of containing at least 50 distinct values to be an interesting variable was tested on a sampling of columns and seems to be good enough. The next steps are filtering steps to remove repeated columns, one odd non numeric column and rows representing states instead of counties.

census = census[, unique(names(census))]
census = census[, -1993]
census = census [grep(census$Areaname, pattern = ","), ]

We are also later going to need separate columns with county name and state, so let’s add them right away.

census$state = unlist(strsplit(as.character(census$Areaname), split = ", "))[c(F,T)]
census$county = tolower(unlist(strsplit(as.character(census$Areaname), split = ", "))[c(T,F)])

The last bit of data is the metadata file with explanations for each variable.

mastdata = read.csv("csv/Mastdata.csv")
row.names(mastdata) = mastdata$Item_Id

What we have in census are about 6000 variables for more than 3000 counties. Not 6 carefully hand picked ones. It’s a lot of variables to get to understand one by one, but they come in related groups: population, economy, society etc. There is also data for several decades, at least for some variables. The units are also variable: counts, dollars, years and they are summarized in various ways as absolute, average, median, rank, per unit and more. So you can have variables such as “Private nonfarm annual payroll”, measured in thousands of dollars or “Nonfederal physicians - inactive (Dec. 31) 2006” as an absolute count. My plan was to use pretty general methods without relying on domain knowledge at all. But my first pass analysis hit a roadblock, which is that counties have the most variable population size and that is a confounding factor for anything that happens to individuals. A large total income doesn’t make people rich in a county that includes a large town. The methods I describe in the following technically work even without the normalization step I will now describe, but the results were difficult to interpret. The normalization step was simply to divide any absolute count by the average of county population in two different years (because counties can merge or disappear). To find the absolute counts, since the metadata is ambiguous, I used a search pattern on the variable descriptions. It works for most variables, and for the rest we need to rely on the robustness of the methods we will employ.

already.normalized = 
    "mean |median |rate |average | percent |per ", 
    mastdata$Item_Description, = TRUE)
unnormalized = 
  grep("used for", mastdata$Item_Description, = TRUE)
normalize.mask = 
  c(1,2, 6429, 6430, 
    match(mastdata$Item_Id[setdiff(already.normalized, unnormalized)], names(census)))
normalize.mask = normalize.mask[!]

censusn = census
censusn [, -normalize.mask] =
  census [, -normalize.mask]/(census$POP010210D + census$POP010130D + 1)

At this point the plan called for a principal component analysis of the data, but optimism is not enough to make it work. The sequence of sorted eigenvalues was decreasing way too slowly, which means the data doesn’t fit the linear assumptions behind PCA very well. You may say that was to be expected even from the cursory description of the variables above, but there’s nothing like trying and looking at the diagnostics.

What is a method to summarize this data that is the most assumption free? Well, I don’t know about “the most”, but surely random forests can handle variables measured in different units and related in non-linear ways. Unfortunately, I know applications of random forests to classification and regression, but there’s no response variable here. After a little research I found out that it is possible to use random forests in unsupervised mode. It’s based on creating a synthetic control data set and then training the random forest to classify real vs. synthetic data. The result is a proximity matrix among data points “based on the frequency that pairs of data points are in the same terminal nodes”. I am quoting from the documentation of package randomForest because in R, luckily, there’s a package for that.

censusn.urf <- randomForest(censusn[, 3:6428])

This takes several hours. The only columns excluded are county name, state and census code.

The proximity matrix can be embedded exactly in high dimension and then a number of techniques can be used to project it to a lower dimension while trying to preserve distances. randomForest comes with the function cmdscale to do just that, so why not use it?

mdsn = cmdscale(1 - censusn.urf$proximity, k = 10, eig = TRUE)

This function does compute a PCA and returns, among other things, the sorted eigenvalues, and we can see how they decrease rapidly. That’s a good sign.

qplot(1:length(mdsn$eig), mdsn$eig)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

We can also plot all the projected points in any two of the dimensions. It is easy to observe that there are dependencies between dimensions (while they should be uncorrelated, according to PCA theory).

pairs(mdsn$points, pch = ".") 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

To eliminate dependencies there is a technique, called Independent Component Analysis, and a package for that, fastICA. The result of the cmdscale function can be used as a starting point for this additional step.

ica = fastICA(mdsn$points, n.comp = 10)
pairs(ica$S, pch = ".") 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

That looks good enough for me. Let’s get to mapping! I am going to use the package ggplot2 and its very useful geom_map. A map with shaded areas is called a choropleth. The first thing is to link the ICA results with the mapping data, from package maps.

icadf = 
        county  = census$county, 
        state = census$state, 
        areaname = census$Areaname), 
      ica$S[,order(apply(ica$S, 2, sd), decreasing = TRUE)]))
choropleth = 
  unique(merge(county_df, icadf, by = c("state", "county")))
choropleth = 
  choropleth[order(choropleth$order), ]
choropleth = 

I am not sure why the unique and fortify calls are necessary, but I adapted available examples. The process is imperfect, due to variation in the naming and spelling of counties between the two data sources. It’s possible to do better, but I didn’t want to go on a long diversion only for a handful of counties. Pull requests are welcome. And here’s our first map, based on the first independent component:

ggplot(choropleth, aes(map_id  = id )) + 
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = "dark blue",  mid = "grey", high = "dark red") + 
  geom_map(aes(fill = X1), map = choropleth) + 
  expand_limits(x = choropleth$long, y = choropleth$lat) +
  xlab("") + ylab("")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

If the experts see a way to simplify this somewhat involved code, please help. In particular, it doesn’t seem to do much without the expand_limits, so what is the point of geom_map alone? This map is obviosuly delineated geographically, but what does it mean? We need some assistance in interpreting these results. One approach is finding original variables that are correlated or anti-correlated with the summarized variables. Because of previous observations on linearity of the data or lack thereof, we shall use Spearman correlation. The other is to find “champions”, input data points that occupy the extremes of the scale defined by each summarized variable. I found the first enlightening, the second more entertaining or distracting (Wikipedia has an article about each county). I know there are other approaches to interpreting this kind of summaries, please chip in in the comments to suggest additional ones.

First let’s prepare some data to assist the interpretations:

cormat = cor(icadf[, 4:13], censusn[,3:6428], method = "spearman")
champions = apply(icadf[,4:13], 2, function(x) as.character(icadf$areaname[c(which.min(x), which.max(x))]))

Unfortunately going through long lists of highly correlated variables is not a particularly fun task. I will try to summarize a possible interpretation, which is very non rigorous, but you can find full tables of 100 most and least correlated variables in the appendix, linked from each figure. Package xtable will help with formatting a long-ish list of variables. In particular, if you notice that certain variables repeat from one component to another, it may very well be because of temporal changes that I glossed over. For instance, two components with a strong white presence may be independent because one is correlating better with white presence in recent years, the other in past years.

This is the function that generates maps, champions and links

eigenmap =
  function(i) {
        "<br>Champions: ", 
          "<a href=\"",
          sub(",", "_County,", 
              sub(" ", "_", as.character(champions[2:1,i]))), 
          collapse = " and "), 
        "(red, blue)<br>"))
    cat(paste0("[Descriptive variables](#dv", i, ")<br>"))
    dim = names(choropleth)[7 + i]
      ggplot(choropleth, aes(map_id  = id )) + 
        scale_fill_gradient2(low = "dark blue", mid = "grey", high ="dark red") + 
        geom_map(aes_string(fill = dim), map = choropleth) + 
        expand_limits(x = choropleth$long, y = choropleth$lat) +
        xlab("") + ylab(""))}

This is the one that creates tables of important variables.

important.variables =
  function(i) {
    cat(paste0("<a name=\"dv", i, "\"><h3>Component ", i, "</h3></a>"))
    lapply(list(TRUE, FALSE),
             cat(if(x) "<br><h3>Correlated: red</h3>" else "<h3>Anticorrelated: blue</h3>")
                   `Variable Description` =
                         which (
                             mastdata$Item_Id, names(head(sort(cormat[i,], decreasing = x), 100))))]))),
               type = "html")})}

And now, without further ado, the maps.

The Great Plains


Champions: Hettinger, ND and Duplin, NC(red, blue)
Descriptive variables
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-18

This map is very well delineated with few dark blue regions. The red areas are not lighter and spread out, so think of them as opposed to the Great Plains. They have more unemployment, people with disabilities, lower educational achievement, supplemental security income, carpooling, poverty and school enrollment. The blue areas have bigger farms, more employment, educational achievement, government spending not directed at individuals, government insurance, property taxes and personal income, an older and Republican leaning population.

Minnesota vs Michigan


Champions: Jackson, MO and Benzie, MI(red, blue)
Descriptive variables
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-19

The red areas have stronger manifacturing, with higher median income. On the other hand, the blue areas have less health insurance, more poverty and vacant housing.

Appalachia and Ohio Valley vs Colorado and Texas.


Champions: Owen, IN and Montgomery, NY(red, blue)
Descriptive variables
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20

The red areas have an older, whiter population using Medicare and Social Security. The blue areas have large farms with a strong Latino presence and more renters.

The Mississippi


Champions: Erie, PA and Holmes, MS(red, blue)
Descriptive variables
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

The red areas have an older population using Medicare, retirement benefits and with more veterans. The blue areas have higher unemployment, poverty, federal grants, children, declining population and lean Democratic.

Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas


Champions: Lincoln, OK and Grand Traverse, MI(red, blue)
Descriptive variables
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-22

Here the red is mostly concentrated in those three states, with a sprinkling over Appalachia. The related variables tells us that red means older farmers, longer commutes, recent domestic immigration, a higher death rate until 1985, smaller farms, lots of construction, home ownership and whiter and older people. Blue areas instead have more population but only until the early 80s, a higher birth rate until the early 90s, a bigger labor force, local government and personal income, and more kids enrolled in school, also limited to years before 1990.

Growing suburbia


Champions: Newton, GA and Saginaw, MI(red, blue)
Descriptive variables
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-23 This map shows a very interesting ring pattern around some cities, including Atlanta, Dallas an Minneapolis. The red areas show strong population increase, including migration, and increase in available housing and high median income. The blue areas have a higher death rate, Federal Government payments to individuals, more widows, single person households and older people receiving social security.

South and Midwest vs New England and West


Champions: Box Elder, UT and Covington, AL(red, blue)
Descriptive variables
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-24

There’s a variety of minorities on the red side, foreign speakers and naturalized citizens, hotels and restaurants. The blue side has more black people, a higher mortality rate, lower educational achievement, employment in farms and manufacturing and fewer vehicles available. Fun fact: more people walk to work on the red side.

Pennsylvania vs California and Texas


Champions: Lubbock, TX and Lycoming, PA(red, blue)
Descriptive variables
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-25

The red areas receive more retirement and disability benefits, have a strong Defense presence, multi-unit older homes and single households. Many people live in group quarters, particularly college dorms and there seem to be a declining older population. The blue areas are short on health insurance, have a strong Mexican presence, a younger, increasing population and lots of transporting and warehousing activity.

Coastal Metropolises


Champions: Jefferson, CO and Lenoir, NC(red, blue)
Descriptive variables
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26

The red areas have high employment in farming, small family run farms, home ownership, rural population, leaning Reform party (kid you not). The blue areas have more education, health and social services, more management, more finance, insurance and real estate and more minority-owned firms.

Upper Midwest


Champions: New Hanover, NC and Mercer, OH(red, blue)
Descriptive variables
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-27

The related variables include cropland, educational achievement, farm operators, larger farms, government spending not directed to individuals, older houses, home workers, rural and white. The blue area covers most of the rest of the country. Maybe it’s more intuitive to think of these variables as lower in the red areas rather than higher elsewhere, but it’s all relative. From the “blue” perspective we see lower educational achievement, single moms, separated people, poverty and supplemental security income.


This is a set of fascinating maps, at least for a data and map geek such as myself. Like many applications of unsupervised learning, they raise more questions than they answer. The skills of a social scientist would greatly enhance the interpretation of these maps. If anybody wants to dig deeper without going back to the original data, please let me know. Also, it seems to me the county level of detail hides important differences, particularly in urban areas. My goal was just to show that one can analyze the data without making a lot of somewhat arbitrary choices and that there are more than one map of this great, multidimensional country.

Appendix: Tables of variables correlated and anticorrelated to each independent component.

invisible(sapply(1:10, important.variables)) 

Component 1

Correlated: red

1 Cropland - harvested (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (adjusted)
2 Cropland - harvested (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (not adjusted)
3 Cropland - harvested (SIC) 1992 (acres) (not adjusted)
4 Cropland - harvested cropland (NAICS) 2002 (acres) (adjusted)
5 Cropland - harvested cropland (NAICS) 2007 (acres) (adjusted)
6 Cropland - total (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (adjusted)
7 Cropland - total (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (not adjusted)
8 Cropland - total (NAICS) 2002 (acres) (adjusted)
9 Cropland - total (NAICS) 2007 (acres) (adjusted)
10 Cropland - total (SIC) 1992 (acres) (not adjusted)
11 Farm operators by days of work off farm - none (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
12 Farm operators by days of work off farm - none (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
13 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
14 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
15 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
16 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
17 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
18 Farms - number (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
19 Farms - number (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
20 Farms by size - with 1,000 to 1,999 acres (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
21 Farms by size - with 1,000 to 1,999 acres (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
22 Farms by size - with 1,000 to 1,999 acres (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
23 Farms by size - with 1,000 to 1,999 acres (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
24 Farms by size - with 1000 to 1999 acres (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
25 Farms by size - with 2,000 acres or more (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
26 Farms by size - with 2,000 acres or more (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
27 Farms by size - with 2,000 or more acres (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
28 Farms by size - with 2,000 or more acres (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
29 Farms by size - with 2000 acres or more (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
30 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
31 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
32 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
33 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
34 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
35 Farms with sales of $100,000 to $499,999 (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
36 Farms with sales of $100,000 to $499,999 (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
37 Farms with sales of $100000 to $499999 (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
38 Farms with sales of $25,000 to $49,999 (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
39 Farms with sales of $25000 to $49999 (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
40 Farms with sales of $50,000 to $99,999 (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
41 Farms with sales of $50,000 to $99,999 (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
42 Farms with sales of $500,000 or more (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
43 Farms with sales of $50000 to $99999 (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
44 Federal Government direct loans FY 1983
45 Federal Government direct loans FY 1984
46 Federal Government direct loans FY 1985
47 Federal Government direct loans FY 1986
48 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1983
49 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1984
50 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1985
51 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1986
52 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1987
53 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1988
54 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1989
55 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1990
56 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1991
57 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1992
58 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1993
59 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1994
60 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1995
61 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1996
62 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1997
63 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1998
64 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1999
65 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2000
66 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2001
67 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2002
68 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2003
69 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2004
70 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2005
71 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2006
72 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2007
73 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2008
74 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2009
75 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2010
76 Federal Government insurance FY 1992
77 Land in farms (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (not adjusted)
78 Land in farms (NAICS) 2002 (acres) (adjusted)
79 Per capita personal income 1973
80 Resident population (April 1 - complete count) 1930
81 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
82 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
83 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
84 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
85 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
86 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
87 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
88 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
89 Resident population: Median age (complete count) 1980
90 Resident population: Median age (complete count) 1990
91 Rural farm population 1980 (sample)
92 Total housing units 1940 (complete count)
93 Value of farm products sold - crops (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
94 Value of farm products sold - crops (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
95 Value of farm products sold - total (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
96 Value of farm products sold - total (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
97 Value of farm products sold - total (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
98 Value of farm products sold - total (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
99 Vehicles available per occupied housing unit 1990 (sample)
100 Vehicles available per occupied housing unit 2000 (sample)

Anticorrelated: blue

1 BEA population 1986 (used for per capita personal income)
2 BEA population 1987 (used for per capita personal income)
3 BEA population 1988 (used for per capita personal income)
4 BEA population 1989 (used for per capita personal income)
5 BEA population 1990 (used for per capita personal income)
6 BEA population 1991 (used for per capita personal income)
7 BEA population 1992 (used for per capita personal income)
8 BEA population 1993 (used for per capita personal income)
9 BEA population 1994 (used for per capita personal income)
10 BEA population 1995 (used for per capita personal income)
11 BEA population 1996 (used for per capita personal income)
12 Births 1992
13 Births 1993
14 Civilian labor force unemployment 1990
15 Civilian labor force unemployment 1991
16 Civilian labor force unemployment 1992
17 Civilian labor force unemployment 1993
18 Civilian labor force unemployment 1994
19 Civilian labor force unemployment 1995
20 Civilian labor force unemployment 1996
21 Civilian labor force unemployment 1997
22 Civilian labor force unemployment 1998
23 Civilian labor force unemployment 1999
24 Civilian labor force unemployment 2000
25 Civilian labor force unemployment 2001
26 Civilian labor force unemployment 2002
27 Civilian labor force unemployment 2003
28 Civilian noninstitutionalized population 21 to 64 years, with a disability 2000 (sample)
29 Employment status - in labor force, civilian labor force, unemployed, total 1990
30 Employment status - in labor force, civilian labor force, unemployed, total 2000
31 Employment status - unemployed civilian labor force, females 1990
32 Employment status - unemployed civilian labor force, males 1990
33 Employment status - unemployed civilian labor force, males 2000
34 Families with related children under 18 years for whom poverty status has been determined 1989
35 Family households - male householder, no spouse present 1990 (complete count)
36 Family households with persons under 18 years 1990 (complete count)
37 Female population 1990 (complete count)
38 Housing units by year structure built 1970 to 1979, 2000 (sample)
39 Local government finances - population used for per capita FY 1987
40 Local government finances - population used for per capita FY 1992
41 Male population 1990 (complete count)
42 Means of transportation to work - car, truck, or van: carpooled 1980
43 Means of transportation to work - car, truck, or van: carpooled 1990
44 Nonveterans - total 1990 (sample)
45 Occupied housing units with no vehicles available 2000 (sample)
46 Occupied housing units with one vehicle available 2000 (sample)
47 Persons 16 to 19 years 1990 (population used to calculate high school dropout rates)
48 Persons 5 years and over 1990 (sample)
49 Persons for whom poverty status has been determined in 1989
50 Persons in family households - other relatives 1990 (sample)
51 Persons in households 1990 (complete count)
52 Persons in households 1990 (sample)
53 Population 5 years and over by residence in 1995 - same house 2000 (sample)
54 Population 5 years and over, with a disability 2000 (sample)
55 Population used to calculate birth and death rates 1990
56 Population used to calculate birth and death rates 1991
57 Population used to calculate birth and death rates 1992
58 Population used to calculate birth and death rates 1993
59 Population used to calculate birth and death rates 1994
60 Population used to calculate birth and death rates 1995
61 Related children 5 to 17 years for whom poverty status has been determined 1989
62 Related children under 18 years for whom poverty status has been determined 1989
63 Resident population (April 1 - complete count) 1990
64 Resident population (April 1 - revised) 1990
65 Resident population (complete count) 1990
66 Resident population 1990 (sample)
67 Resident population 35 to 44 years (complete count) 1990
68 Resident population 40 to 44 years (complete count) 1990
69 Resident population 5 to 14 years (complete count) 1990
70 Resident population 5 to 17 years (complete count) 1990
71 Resident population under 18 years (April 1 - complete count) 1990
72 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1986
73 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1987
74 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1988
75 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1989
76 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1990
77 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1991
78 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1992
79 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1993
80 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1994
81 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1995
82 Resident total population estimates base (April 1) 1990
83 School enrollment - persons 3 years and over enrolled in elementary or high school: 1990
84 School enrollment - persons 3 years and over enrolled in elementary or high school: public 1990
85 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1997
86 Supplemental security income - payments for month (Dec.) 2003
87 Supplemental security income - payments for month (Dec.) 2004
88 Supplemental security income - payments for month (Dec.) 2005
89 Supplemental security income - payments for month (Dec.) 2006
90 Supplemental security income - payments for month (Dec.) 2007
91 Supplemental security income - payments for month (Dec.) 2008
92 Supplemental security income - payments for month (Dec.) 2009
93 Supplemental security income - payments for month (Dec.) 2010
94 Supplemental security income recipients (Dec.) 2005
95 Supplemental security income recipients (Dec.) 2006
96 Supplemental security income recipients (Dec.) 2007
97 Supplemental security income recipients (Dec.) 2008
98 Supplemental security income recipients (Dec.) 2009
99 Total persons 1990 (sample)
100 Water use: total population served 1990

Component 2

Correlated: red

1 Births per 1,000 population 1990
2 Births per 1,000 population 1991
3 Births per 1,000 population 1992
4 Births per 1,000 population 1993
5 Births per 1,000 population 1994
6 Births per 1,000 population 1995
7 Births per 1,000 population 1996
8 Births per 1,000 population 1997
9 Births per 1,000 population 1998
10 Births per 1,000 population 1999
11 Births per 1,000 population 2000
12 Births per 1,000 population 2001
13 Births per 1,000 population 2002
14 Births per 1,000 population 2003
15 Births per 1,000 population 2004
16 Black or African American alone population below poverty level 1999
17 Black or African American alone population below poverty level 2005-2009
18 Black or African American alone population for whom poverty status has been determined 1999
19 Black or African American alone population for whom poverty status has been determined 2005-2009
20 Black population 1960 (complete count)
21 Black population 1970 (complete count)
22 Black population 1980 (complete count)
23 Black population 1990 (complete count)
24 Families with female householder, no husband present with related children under 5 years whom poverty status is determined 1999
25 Families with female householder, no spouse present below poverty level 1979
26 Families with female householder, no spouse present w/related children under 18 years whom poverty status is determined 1989
27 Families with female householder, no spouse present whom poverty status has been determined 1979
28 Families with female householder, no spouse present whom poverty status has been determined 1989
29 Family households - female householder, no spouse present 1980 (complete count)
30 Family households - female householder, no spouse present 1980 (sample)
31 Family households - female householder, no spouse present 1990 (complete count)
32 Family households - female householder, no spouse present 1990 (sample)
33 Family households - female householder, no spouse present with own children under 18 years 1980 (sample)
34 Family households - female householder, no spouse present without own children under 18 years 1980 (sample)
35 Family households - female householder, no spouse present without own children under 18 years 1990 (sample)
36 Females 15 years and over - never married 1990 (complete count)
37 Females 15 years and over - separated 1980 (complete count)
38 Number of robberies known to police 1988
39 Number of robberies known to police 1989
40 Number of robberies known to police 1992
41 Number of robberies known to police 2008
42 Occupied housing units with 1.01 or more persons per room 1980 (complete count)
43 Occupied housing units with 1.01 or more persons per room 1990 (complete count)
44 Occupied housing units with 1.01 to 1.50 persons per room 1990 (complete count)
45 Occupied housing units with 1.51 or 2.00 persons per room 1990 (complete count)
46 Occupied housing units with Black householder 1980 (complete count)
47 Occupied housing units with Black householder 1990 (complete count)
48 Occupied housing units with householder who is Black or African American alone 2000 (complete count)
49 Occupied housing units with householder who is Black or African American alone 2010 (complete count)
50 Owner-occupied housing units with a householder who is Black or African American alone 2000 (complete count)
51 Owner-occupied housing units with a householder who is Black or African American alone 2010 (complete count)
52 Owner-occupied housing units with Black householder 1980 (complete count)
53 Owner-occupied housing units with Black householder 1990 (complete count)
54 Population of one race - Black or African American alone 2000 (complete count)
55 Population of one race - Black or African American alone 2010 (complete count)
56 Population of one race - percent Black or African American alone 2000 (complete count)
57 Population of one race - percent Black or African American alone 2010 (complete count)
58 Population per square mile 1980
59 Population per square mile 1990
60 Population used to calculate per capita income 1969, 1970
61 Renter-occupied housing units with a householder who is Black or African American alone 2000 (complete count)
62 Renter-occupied housing units with a householder who is Black or African American alone 2010 (complete count)
63 Renter-occupied housing units with Black householder 1980 (complete count)
64 Renter-occupied housing units with Black householder 1990 (complete count)
65 Resident population under 5 years, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
66 Resident population under 5 years, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
67 Resident population under 5 years, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
68 Resident population under 5 years, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
69 Resident population under 5 years, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
70 Resident population under 5 years, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
71 Resident population: Black alone (April 1 - complete count) 2000
72 Resident population: Black alone (April 1 - complete count) 2010
73 Resident population: Black alone (April 1 - estimates base) 2000
74 Resident population: Black alone (July 1 - estimate) 2000
75 Resident population: Black alone (July 1 - estimate) 2001
76 Resident population: Black alone (July 1 - estimate) 2002
77 Resident population: Black alone (July 1 - estimate) 2003
78 Resident population: Black alone (July 1 - estimate) 2004
79 Resident population: Black alone (July 1 - estimate) 2005
80 Resident population: Black alone (July 1 - estimate) 2006
81 Resident population: Black alone (July 1 - estimate) 2007
82 Resident population: Black alone (July 1 - estimate) 2008
83 Resident population: Black alone (July 1 - estimate) 2009
84 Resident population: Black alone, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
85 Resident population: Black alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
86 Resident population: Black alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
87 Resident population: Black alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
88 Resident population: Black alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
89 Resident population: Black alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
90 Resident population: Black alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
91 Resident population: Black alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
92 Resident population: Black alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
93 Resident population: Black alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
94 Resident population: Black alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2009
95 Total Black-owned firms, number of firms 2002
96 Total Black-owned firms, number of firms 2007
97 Total Black-owned firms, percent 2002
98 Total Black-owned firms, percent 2007
99 Total Black-owned firms, sales and receipts 2002
100 Total Black-owned firms, sales and receipts 2007

Anticorrelated: blue

1 Civilian noninstitutionalized population 65 years and over, total 2000 (sample)
2 Employed persons by class of worker - self-employed 1990
3 Employed persons by class of worker - self-employed 2000
4 Employed persons by class of worker - self-employed in own not incorporated business workers and unpaid family workers 2005-2009
5 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - aged persons enrolled July 1, 2004
6 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - aged persons enrolled July 1, 2005
7 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - aged persons enrolled July 1, 2006
8 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - aged persons enrolled July 1, 2007
9 Housing units by units in structure - one unit, detached 2000 (sample)
10 Housing units by units in structure - one unit, detached 2005-2009
11 Land area in square miles 2000
12 Land area in square miles 2010
13 Means of transportation to work - worked at home 2000
14 Mortgage status - owner-occupied units, housing units without a mortgage 2005-2009
15 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - establishments, 2002
16 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - establishments, 2003
17 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - establishments, 2004
18 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - establishments, 2005
19 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - establishments, 2006
20 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - establishments, 2007
21 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - establishments, 2008
22 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - establishments, 2009
23 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - receipts, 2005
24 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - receipts, 2006
25 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - receipts, 2007
26 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - receipts, 2008
27 Nonemployer: forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services (NAICS 11) - receipts, 2009
28 Nonemployer: manufacturing (NAICS 31-33) - establishments, 2005
29 Nonemployer: manufacturing (NAICS 31-33) - establishments, 2006
30 Nonemployer: retail trade (NAICS 44-45) - establishments, 2002
31 Nonemployer: retail trade (NAICS 44-45) - establishments, 2003
32 Nonemployer: retail trade (NAICS 44-45) - establishments, 2006
33 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - wood 2000 (sample)
34 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - wood 2005-2009
35 Population 65 years and over above poverty level 1999
36 Population 65 years and over for whom poverty status has been determined 1999
37 Population of one race - percent White alone 2000 (complete count)
38 Population of one race - percent White alone 2010 (complete count)
39 Resident population 65 to 69 years (July 1 - estimate) 2003
40 Resident population 65 to 69 years (July 1 - estimate) 2004
41 Resident population 65 to 74 years (April 1 - complete count) 2010
42 Resident population 65 years and over (April 1 - complete count) 2000
43 Resident population 65 years and over (April 1 - complete count) 2010
44 Resident population 65 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2000
45 Resident population 65 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2001
46 Resident population 65 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2002
47 Resident population 65 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2003
48 Resident population 65 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2004
49 Resident population 65 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2005
50 Resident population 65 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2006
51 Resident population 65 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2007
52 Resident population 65 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2008
53 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
54 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
55 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
56 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
57 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
58 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
59 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
60 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
61 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2009
62 Resident population 70 to 74 years (April 1 - complete count) 2010
63 Resident population 75 to 79 years (April 1 - complete count) 2010
64 Resident population 75 to 84 years (April 1 - complete count) 2010
65 Resident population 75 years and over (April 1 - complete count) 2010
66 Resident population: Median age (April 1 - complete count) 2000
67 Resident population: Median age (April 1 - complete count) 2010
68 Resident population: Median age (complete count) 1990
69 Resident population: White alone, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
70 Resident population: White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
71 Resident population: White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
72 Resident population: White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
73 Resident population: White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
74 Resident population: White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
75 Resident population: White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
76 Resident population: White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
77 Resident population: White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
78 Resident population: White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
79 Resident population: White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2009
80 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2001
81 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2002
82 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2003
83 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2004
84 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2005
85 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2006
86 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2007
87 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2008
88 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2009
89 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2010
90 Total area in square miles 1990
91 Total area in square miles 2000
92 Vacant housing units 1970 (complete count)
93 Vacant housing units 1980 (complete count)
94 Vacant housing units 1990 (complete count)
95 Vacant housing units 2000 (complete count)
96 Vacant housing units 2010 (complete count)
97 Veterans by age - males, 65 to 74 years 2005-2009
98 Veterans by age - males, 65 years and over 2000 (sample)
99 Veterans by age - total, 65 years and over 2000 (sample)
100 Vote cast for president - other, Reform (Perot) 1996 Subject to copyright

Component 3

Correlated: red

1 Aggregate travel time to work for workers 16 years and over who did not work at home 1990
2 Aggregate travel time to work for workers 16 years and over who did not work at home 2000
3 Civilian noninstitutionalized population 21 to 64 years, with a disability 2000 (sample)
4 Components of change - deaths for July 1, 2007 to July 1, 2008
5 Components of change - deaths for July 1, 2008 to July 1, 2009
6 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - high school graduate (includes equivalency) 2000
7 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - high school graduate (includes equivalency) 2005-2009
8 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over completing 9th to 12th grade, no diploma 2005-2009
9 Employed persons by industry (NAICS) - manufacturing 2000
10 Employed persons by industry (NAICS) - manufacturing 2005-2009
11 Employed persons by occupation - production, transportation, and material moving occupations 2005-2009
12 Employed persons by occupation (2000 SOC) - construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations 2000
13 Employed persons by occupation (2000 SOC) - production, transportation, and material moving occupations 2000
14 Families for whom poverty status has been determined 2000
15 Families with income in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) of $50,000 to $59,999 in 2005-2009
16 Families with income of $20,000 to $24,999 in 1989
17 Families with income of $25,000 to $29,999 in 1989
18 Families with income of $25,000 to $29,999 in 1999
19 Families with income of $30,000 to $34,999 in 1999
20 Families with income of $35,000 to $39,999 in 1999
21 Families with income of $40,000 to $44,999 in 1999
22 Families with income of $40,000 to $49,999 in 1999
23 Families with income of $45,000 to $49,999 in 1999
24 Family households - married couple 1990 (complete count)
25 Family households - married couple 1990 (sample)
26 Family households - married couple 2000 (complete count)
27 Family households - married couple 2000 (sample)
28 Family households - married couple with persons under 18 years 1990 (complete count)
29 Family households - married couple without own children under 18 years 2000 (sample)
30 Family households 2000 (complete count)
31 Family households 2000 (sample)
32 Females 15 years and over - now married, except separated 1990 (complete count)
33 Females 15 years and over - now married, except separated 2000 (sample)
34 Hospital insurance (Medicare) - total persons enrolled July 1, 2007
35 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - total persons enrolled July 1, 2007
36 Households with Social Security income 2005-2009
37 Housing tenure - occupied housing units - owner-occupied 1990 (sample)
38 Housing tenure - occupied housing units - owner-occupied 2000 (sample)
39 Males 15 years and over - now married, except separated 1990 (complete count)
40 Nonemployer: other services (NAICS 81) - establishments, 2006
41 Nonemployer: transportation and warehousing (NAICS 48-49) - establishments, 2005
42 Nonemployer: transportation and warehousing (NAICS 48-49) - establishments, 2006
43 Nonemployer: transportation and warehousing (NAICS 48-49) - establishments, 2007
44 Nonemployer: transportation and warehousing (NAICS 48-49) - establishments, 2008
45 Nonemployer: transportation and warehousing (NAICS 48-49) - establishments, 2009
46 Occupied housing units with 3 vehicles available 1990 (sample)
47 Occupied housing units with 3 vehicles available 2000 (sample)
48 Owner-occupied housing units 1990 (complete count)
49 Owner-occupied housing units 2000 (complete count)
50 Persons in family households - householder 2000 (sample)
51 Persons in family households - spouse 1990 (sample)
52 Persons in family households - spouse 2000 (sample)
53 Place of work - worked outside county of residence 1990
54 Place of work - worked outside county of residence 2000
55 Population 5 years and over by residence in 1995 - same house 2000 (sample)
56 Population 5 years and over, with a disability 2000 (sample)
57 Resident population 45 to 54 years (complete count) 1990
58 Resident population 50 to 54 years (complete count) 1990
59 Resident population 60 to 64 years (April 1 - complete count) 2000
60 Resident population 60 to 64 years (April 1 - estimates base) 2000
61 Resident population 60 to 64 years (July 1 - estimate) 2000
62 Resident population 60 to 64 years (July 1 - estimate) 2001
63 Resident population 60 to 64 years (July 1 - estimate) 2002
64 Resident population 60 to 64 years (July 1 - estimate) 2003
65 Resident population 65 to 69 years (July 1 - estimate) 2002
66 Resident population 65 to 69 years (July 1 - estimate) 2003
67 Resident population 65 to 69 years (July 1 - estimate) 2004
68 Resident population 65 to 69 years (July 1 - estimate) 2005
69 Resident population 65 to 69 years (July 1 - estimate) 2006
70 Resident population 65 to 69 years (July 1 - estimate) 2007
71 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2002
72 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2003
73 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2004
74 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2005
75 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2006
76 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2007
77 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2008
78 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2009
79 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2010
80 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2003
81 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2004
82 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2005
83 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2006
84 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2007
85 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2008
86 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2009
87 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2010
88 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2005
89 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2006
90 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2007
91 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2008
92 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2009
93 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2010
94 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2008
95 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2009
96 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2010
97 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value of $100,000 to $149,999 2005-2009
98 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value of $50,000 to $99,999 2000 (sample)
99 Supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - total persons enrolled July 1, 2006
100 Supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - total persons enrolled July 1, 2007

Anticorrelated: blue

1 Average size of farm (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (adjusted)
2 Average size of farm (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (not adjusted)
3 Average size of farm (NAICS) 2002 (acres) (adjusted)
4 Average size of farm (NAICS) 2007 (acres) (adjusted)
5 Average size of farm (SIC) 1992 (acres) (not adjusted)
6 Average value of land and buildings per farm (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
7 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent bachelor’s degree or higher 1980
8 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent bachelor’s degree or higher 1990
9 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent bachelor’s degree or higher 2000
10 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent bachelor’s degree or higher 2005-2009
11 Foreign-born persons 1980 (sample)
12 Foreign-born persons 1990 (sample)
13 Group quarters total population estimate (July 1) 2000
14 Group quarters total population estimate (July 1) 2001
15 Group quarters total population estimate (July 1) 2002
16 Group quarters total population estimate (July 1) 2003
17 Group quarters total population estimate (July 1) 2004
18 Group quarters total population estimate (July 1) 2005
19 Group quarters total population estimate (July 1) 2006
20 Group quarters total population estimate (July 1) 2007
21 Group quarters total population estimate (July 1) 2008
22 Group quarters total population estimate (July 1) 2009
23 Group quarters total population estimates base (April 1) 2000
24 Hispanic females 1990 (sample)
25 Hispanic households 1990 (sample)
26 Hispanic males 1990 (sample)
27 Hispanic or Latino households with income less than $10,000 in 1989 (sample)
28 Hispanic persons 15 to 59 years 1990 (sample)
29 Hispanic persons 1990 (sample)
30 Hispanic persons 25 years and over 1990 (sample)
31 Hispanic persons 5 to 14 years 1990 (sample)
32 Hispanic persons below poverty level 1989
33 Hispanic persons for whom poverty status has been determined 1989
34 Hispanic persons under 5 years 1990 (sample)
35 Local government finances - direct general expenditures per capita FY 1972
36 Local government finances - direct general expenditures per capita FY 1977
37 Local government finances - direct general expenditures per capita FY 1982
38 Local government finances - direct general expenditures per capita FY 1987
39 Local government finances - direct general expenditures per capita FY 1992
40 Local government finances - direct general expenditures per capita FY 1997
41 Local government finances - direct general expenditures per capita FY 2002
42 Local government finances - general revenue per capita FY 1972
43 Local government finances - general revenue per capita FY 1977
44 Local government finances - general revenue per capita FY 1982
45 Local government finances - general revenue per capita FY 1987
46 Local government finances - general revenue per capita FY 1992
47 Local government finances - general revenue per capita FY 1997
48 Local government finances - general revenue per capita FY 2002
49 Local government finances - general revenue, property taxes per capita FY 1977
50 Local government finances - general revenue, property taxes per capita FY 1982
51 Local government finances - general revenue, property taxes per capita FY 1987
52 Local government finances - general revenue, property taxes per capita FY 1992
53 Local government finances - general revenue, property taxes per capita FY 1997
54 Local government finances - general revenue, property taxes per capita FY 2002
55 Means of transportation to work - walked 1990
56 Means of transportation to work - walked 2000
57 Means of transportation to work - walked 2005-2009
58 Occupied housing units with Hispanic householder 1990 (complete count)
59 Other race (not elsewhere classified) 1980 (complete count)
60 Other race (not elsewhere classified) 1990 (complete count)
61 Persons 5 years and over speaking language other than English at home 1980 (sample)
62 Persons 5 years and over speaking language other than English at home 1990 (sample)
63 Persons 5 years and over speaking Spanish language at home 1980 (sample)
64 Persons of Hispanic Origin 1990 (complete count)
65 Population 5 years and over, percent speaking language other than English at home 2000 (sample)
66 Population in group quarters, total 2000 (complete count)
67 Population in group quarters, total 2010 (complete count)
68 Population of one race - percent American Indian and Alaska Native alone 2010 (complete count)
69 Population of one race - percent Some other race alone 2000 (complete count)
70 Renter-occupied housing units with Hispanic householder 1980 (complete count)
71 Renter-occupied housing units with Hispanic householder 1990 (complete count)
72 Resident population (April 1 - complete count) 1930
73 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
74 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
75 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
76 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
77 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
78 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
79 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
80 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
81 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
82 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
83 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2009
84 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
85 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
86 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
87 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
88 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
89 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
90 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
91 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
92 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
93 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
94 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2009
95 Resident population: Two or more races, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
96 Total housing units 1940 (complete count)
97 Vote cast for president- percent Democratic 1988 Subject to copyright
98 Water use: per capita use 1990
99 Water use: per capita use 1995
100 Water use: per capita use 2005

Component 4

Correlated: red

1 Aggregate household Social Security income 1989
2 Aggregate income in 1969
3 Employed persons by class of worker - private not-for-profit wage and salary 1990
4 Families with income of $15,000 to $19,999 in 1979
5 Families with income of $20,000 to $24,999 in 1979
6 Family households - married couple 1970 (complete count)
7 Households 1970 (complete count)
8 Households with income of $15,000 to $19,999 in 1979
9 Households with income of $20,000 to $24,999 in 1979
10 Housing units by year structure built 1939 or earlier, 1990 (sample)
11 Housing units by year structure built 1939 or earlier, 2000 (sample)
12 Housing units by year structure built 1939 or earlier, 2005-2009
13 Nonfamily households - one-person 1970 (complete count)
14 Nonfamily households - one-person 1980 (complete count)
15 Nonfamily households - one-person 1980 (sample)
16 Nonfamily households - one-person 1990 (complete count)
17 Nonfamily households - one-person 1990 (sample)
18 Nonfamily households - one-person with female householder 1980 (complete count)
19 Nonfamily households - one-person with female householder 1990 (complete count)
20 Nonfamily households 1980 (complete count)
21 Nonfamily households 1980 (sample)
22 Nonfamily households 1990 (complete count)
23 Nonfamily households 1990 (sample)
24 Occupied housing units 1970 (complete count)
25 Personal income 1969
26 Personal income 1970
27 Personal income 1971
28 Personal income 1972
29 Personal income 1973
30 Personal income 1974
31 Personal income 1975
32 Personal income 1976
33 Personal income 1977
34 Personal income 1978
35 Persons 65 years and over above poverty level 1979
36 Persons 65 years and over above poverty level 1989
37 Persons in nonfamily households - female householder 1980 (sample)
38 Persons in nonfamily households - female householder 1990 (sample)
39 Place of work - worked in state, in county of residence 1980
40 Private nonfarm employment for pay period including March 12, 1980
41 Private nonfarm employment for pay period including March 12, 1998 - health care and social assistance (NAICS 62)
42 Private nonfarm employment for pay period including March 12, 1999 - health care and social assistance (NAICS 62)
43 Private nonfarm employment for pay period including March 12, 2000 - health care and social assistance (NAICS 62)
44 Private nonfarm employment for pay period including March 12, 2001 - health care and social assistance (NAICS 62)
45 Private nonfarm establishments 1980
46 Private nonfarm establishments 1981
47 Resident population 65 years and over (complete count) 1990
48 Resident population 75 to 84 years (April 1 - complete count) 2000
49 Resident population 80 to 84 years (April 1 - complete count) 2000
50 Resident population 80 to 84 years (April 1 - estimates base) 2000
51 Resident population 80 to 84 years (July 1 - estimate) 2000
52 Resident population 80 to 84 years (July 1 - estimate) 2001
53 Resident population 80 to 84 years (July 1 - estimate) 2002
54 Resident population 80 to 84 years (July 1 - estimate) 2003
55 Resident population 85 years and over (April 1 - complete count) 2000
56 Resident population 85 years and over (April 1 - complete count) 2010
57 Resident population 85 years and over (April 1 - estimates base) 2000
58 Resident population 85 years and over (complete count) 1990
59 Resident population 85 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2000
60 Resident population 85 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2001
61 Resident population 85 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2002
62 Resident population 85 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2003
63 Resident population 85 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2004
64 Resident population 85 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2005
65 Resident population 85 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2006
66 Resident population 85 years and over (July 1 - estimate) 2007
67 Social security - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1970
68 Social security - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1975
69 Social security - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1980
70 Social security - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1985
71 Social security - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1990
72 Social security - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1991
73 Social security - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1992
74 Social security - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1993
75 Social security - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1994
76 Social security: retired workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1990
77 Social security: retired workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1991
78 Social security: retired workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1992
79 Social security: retired workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1993
80 Social security: retired workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1994
81 Social security: retired workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1995
82 Social security: retired workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1996
83 Social security: retired workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1997
84 Social security: retired workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1998
85 Social security: retired workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1999
86 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1990
87 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1991
88 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1992
89 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1993
90 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1994
91 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1995
92 Social security: retired workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1996
93 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value of $30,000 to $39,999 1980 (complete count)
94 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value of $40,000 to $49,999 1980 (complete count)
95 Specified renter-occupied housing units with contract rent of $200 to $299 1990 (complete count)
96 Specified renter-occupied housing units with contract rent of $300 to $399 2000 (sample)
97 Specified renter-occupied housing units with gross rent of $300 to $399 1990 (sample)
98 White population 1970 (complete count)
99 Years of school completed - persons 25 years and over completing 12 years or more of school 1980
100 Years of school completed - persons 25 years and over completing high school only 1980

Anticorrelated: blue

1 All persons 18 to 64 years without health insurance, percent 2005
2 All persons 18 to 64 years without health insurance, percent 2006
3 All persons 18 to 64 years without health insurance, percent 2007
4 All persons 40 to 64 years without health insurance 2005
5 All persons 40 to 64 years without health insurance 2006
6 All persons 40 to 64 years without health insurance, percent 2005
7 All persons 40 to 64 years without health insurance, percent 2006
8 All persons 40 to 64 years without health insurance, percent 2007
9 All persons under 18 years without health insurance, percent 2005
10 All persons under 18 years without health insurance, percent 2006
11 All persons under 18 years without health insurance, percent 2007
12 All persons under 65 years without health insurance, percent 2005
13 All persons under 65 years without health insurance, percent 2006
14 All persons under 65 years without health insurance, percent 2007
15 Average travel time to work for workers 16 years and over who did not work at home 2000
16 Children under age 18 without health insurance coverage 2000
17 Families below poverty level 1969
18 Families below poverty level 1979
19 Families below poverty level 1999
20 Families with income of less than $10,000 in 1999
21 Housing tenure - average household size of renter-occupied unit, 2005-2009
22 Housing units by units in structure - mobile home, 2000 (sample)
23 Housing units by units in structure - mobile home, 2005-2009
24 Occupied housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities 1990 (sample)
25 People of all ages in poverty - number 2001
26 People of all ages in poverty - percent 1995
27 People of all ages in poverty - percent 1997
28 People of all ages in poverty - percent 1998
29 People of all ages in poverty - percent 1999
30 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2000
31 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2001
32 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2002
33 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2003
34 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2005
35 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2006
36 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2000
37 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2001
38 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 1995
39 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 1997
40 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 1998
41 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 1999
42 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2000
43 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2001
44 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2002
45 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2003
46 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2005
47 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2006
48 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2007
49 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2008
50 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2009
51 Percent change 1970 (revised) - 1980 (revised)
52 Percent female population 2000 (complete count)
53 Percent female population 2010 (complete count)
54 Percent Hispanic or Latino population 2000 (complete count)
55 Percent households with persons under 18 years 2000 (complete count)
56 Percent households with persons under 18 years 2010 (complete count)
57 Percent population of two or more races 2000 (complete count)
58 Percent population of two or more races 2010 (complete count)
59 Persons per household 1980 (complete count)
60 Persons per household 1990 (complete count)
61 Population 1 year and over by residence - same house, one year ago, percent, 2005-2009
62 Population rank (April 1 - revised) 1980
63 Population rank (April 1 - revised) 1990
64 Population rank (April 1 - revised) 2000
65 Related children 5 to 17 years below poverty level 1999
66 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 1999
67 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2000
68 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2001
69 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2002
70 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2003
71 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 1995
72 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 1997
73 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 1998
74 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 1999
75 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2000
76 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2001
77 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2002
78 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2003
79 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2004
80 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2005
81 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2006
82 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2007
83 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2008
84 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2009
85 Related children under 18 years below poverty level 1979
86 Renter-occupied housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities 1990 (sample)
87 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2000
88 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2001
89 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2002
90 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2003
91 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2004
92 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2005
93 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2006
94 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2007
95 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2008
96 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2009
97 Selected characteristics - occupied housing units with no telephone service available for 2000 (sample)
98 Selected characteristics - occupied housing units, lacking complete plumbing facilities 2000 (sample)
99 Specified renter-occupied housing units with contract rent, no cash rent 2005-2009
100 Total population without health insurance coverage 2000

Component 5

Correlated: red

1 Deaths per 1,000 population 1970
2 Employment in farming (NAICS, no code) 2001
3 Employment in farming (NAICS, no code) 2002
4 Employment in farming (NAICS, no code) 2003
5 Employment in farming (NAICS, no code) 2004
6 Employment in farming (NAICS, no code) 2005
7 Employment in farming (NAICS, no code) 2006
8 Employment in farming (NAICS, no code) 2007
9 Employment in farming (SIC) 2000
10 Families below poverty level 1969
11 Farm operators by days of work off farm - any (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
12 Farm operators by days of work off farm - any (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
13 Farm operators by days of work off farm - any (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
14 Farm operators by days of work off farm - none (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
15 Farm operators by days of work off farm - none (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
16 Farm operators by days of work off farm - none (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
17 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
18 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
19 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
20 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
21 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
22 Farm operators working 200 days or more (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
23 Farm operators working 200 days or more off farm (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
24 Farm operators working 200 days or more off farm (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
25 Farm operators working 200 days or more off farm (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
26 Farm operators working 200 days or more off farm (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
27 Farms - number (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
28 Farms - number (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
29 Farms - number (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
30 Farms - number (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
31 Farms - number (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
32 Farms by size - with 100 to 139 acres (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
33 Farms by size - with 100 to 139 acres (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
34 Farms by size - with 140 to 179 acres (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
35 Farms by size - with 140 to 179 acres (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
36 Farms by size - with 180 to 499 acres (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
37 Farms by size - with 180 to 499 acres (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
38 Farms by size - with 180 to 499 acres (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
39 Farms by size - with 50 to 179 acres (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
40 Farms by size - with 50 to 179 acres (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
41 Farms by size - with 50 to 179 acres (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
42 Farms by size - with 50 to 69 acres (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
43 Farms by size - with 50 to 69 acres (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
44 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
45 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
46 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
47 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
48 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
49 Farms by size - with 70 to 99 acres (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
50 Farms by size - with 70 to 99 acres (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
51 Farms with sales less than $2,500 (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
52 Farms with sales less than $2,500 (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
53 Farms with sales of $10,000 to $24,999 (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
54 Farms with sales of $10,000 to $24,999 (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
55 Farms with sales of $10000 to $24999 (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
56 Farms with sales of $2,500 to $4,999 (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
57 Farms with sales of $2,500 to $4,999 (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
58 Farms with sales of $25,000 to $49,999 (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
59 Farms with sales of $2500 to $4999 (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
60 Farms with sales of $5,000 to $9,999 (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
61 Farms with sales of $5,000 to $9,999 (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
62 Farms with sales of $5000 to $9999 (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
63 Farms with sales of less than $2500 (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
64 Individual or family farms - number (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
65 Individual or family farms - number (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
66 Individual or family farms - number (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
67 Individual or family farms - number (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
68 Individual or family farms - number (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
69 Percent female population 2000 (complete count)
70 Percent female population 2010 (complete count)
71 Percent households with persons under 18 years 2000 (complete count)
72 Percent households with persons under 18 years 2010 (complete count)
73 Persons 65 years and over below poverty level 1979
74 Persons below poverty level 1969
75 Population 1 year and over by residence - same house, one year ago, percent, 2005-2009
76 Population rank (April 1 - revised) 1980
77 Population rank (April 1 - revised) 1990
78 Population rank (April 1 - revised) 2000
79 Resident population (April 1 - complete count) 1930
80 Resident population (April 1 - complete count) 1940
81 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2000
82 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2001
83 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2002
84 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2003
85 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2004
86 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2005
87 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2006
88 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2007
89 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2008
90 Resident total population estimate - rank - (July 1) 2009
91 Rural farm population 1980 (sample)
92 Rural farm population 1990 (sample)
93 Rural farm population 2000 (sample)
94 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value less than $20,000 1980 (complete count)
95 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value less than $20,000 1990 (complete count)
96 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value less than $20,000 2000 (sample)
97 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value of $20,000 to $29,999 2000 (sample)
98 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value of $30,000 to $39,999 2000 (sample)
99 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value of less than $50,000 2005-2009
100 Total housing units 1940 (complete count)

Anticorrelated: blue

1 Adjusted gross income 2004
2 Adjusted gross income 2005
3 Aggregate income in 1989
4 Aggregate income in 1999
5 Civilian labor force 2000
6 Civilian labor force employment 2000
7 Civilian noninstitutionalized population 21 to 64 years, no disability 2000 (sample)
8 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - bachelor’s degree 2000
9 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - bachelor’s degree 2005-2009
10 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - bachelor’s, graduate, or professional degree 1990
11 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - bachelor’s, graduate, or professional degree 2000
12 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over completing 12 years or more of school 2000
13 Employed persons by occupation - management, professional, and related occupations 2005-2009
14 Employed persons by occupation (2000 SOC) - management, professional, and related occupations 2000
15 Employed persons by occupation (2000 SOC) - sales and office occupations 2000
16 Employment status - females 16 years and over 2000
17 Employment status - in labor force, civilian labor force, employed, females 2000
18 Employment status - in labor force, civilian labor force, employed, total 2000
19 Employment status - in labor force, civilian labor force, females 2000
20 Employment status - in labor force, civilian labor force, total 2000
21 Employment status - in labor force, females 2000
22 Employment status - in labor force, total 2000
23 Female population 2000 (complete count)
24 Females 15 years and over - total 2000 (sample)
25 Households 2000 (complete count)
26 Households with earnings 2000
27 Households with earnings 2005-2009
28 Households with income in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars), total 2005-2009
29 Households, total 2000 (sample)
30 Households, total 2005-2009
31 Housing tenure - occupied housing units, 2005-2009
32 Number of returns 2004
33 Number of returns 2005
34 Number of returns 2006
35 Number of returns 2008
36 Occupied housing units 2000 (complete count)
37 Personal income 1995
38 Personal income 1996
39 Personal income 1998
40 Personal income 1999
41 Personal income 2003
42 Population 18 years and over at or above poverty level 1999
43 Population 18 years and over for whom poverty status has been determined 1999
44 Population at or above poverty level 1999
45 Private nonfarm annual payroll - accommodation and food services (2002 NAICS 72) 2007
46 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (2002 NAICS 44) 2003
47 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (2002 NAICS 44) 2004
48 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (2002 NAICS 44) 2005
49 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (2002 NAICS 44) 2006
50 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (2002 NAICS 44) 2007
51 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (2007 NAICS 44) 2008
52 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (NAICS 44) 1999
53 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (NAICS 44) 2000
54 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (NAICS 44) 2001
55 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (NAICS 44) 2002
56 Private nonfarm annual payroll - retail trade (SIC G) 1997
57 Private nonfarm employment for pay period including March 12, 2005
58 Private nonfarm employment for pay period including March 12, 2006
59 Private nonfarm establishments - admin., support, waste management and remediation services (2002 NAICS 56) 2003
60 Private nonfarm establishments - admin., support, waste management and remediation services (2002 NAICS 56) 2004
61 Private nonfarm establishments - admin., support, waste management and remediation services (2002 NAICS 56) 2005
62 Private nonfarm establishments - admin., support, waste management and remediation services (2002 NAICS 56) 2006
63 Private nonfarm establishments - admin., support, waste management and remediation services (2007 NAICS 56) 2008
64 Private nonfarm establishments - admin., support, waste management and remediation services (2007 NAICS 56) 2009
65 Private nonfarm establishments - admin., support, waste management and remediation services (NAICS 56) 2002
66 Private nonfarm establishments - professional, scientific, and technical services (2002 NAICS 54) 2003
67 Private nonfarm establishments - professional, scientific, and technical services (2002 NAICS 54) 2004
68 Private nonfarm establishments - professional, scientific, and technical services (2002 NAICS 54) 2005
69 Private nonfarm establishments - professional, scientific, and technical services (2002 NAICS 54) 2006
70 Private nonfarm establishments - professional, scientific, and technical services (2002 NAICS 54) 2007
71 Private nonfarm establishments - professional, scientific, and technical services (2007 NAICS 54) 2009
72 Private nonfarm establishments - professional, scientific, and technical services (NAICS 54) 2001
73 Private nonfarm establishments - professional, scientific, and technical services (NAICS 54) 2002
74 Private nonfarm establishments - real estate, rental and leasing (NAICS 53) 2002
75 Private nonfarm establishments - services (SIC I) 1997
76 Private nonfarm establishments 1999
77 Private nonfarm establishments 2000
78 Private nonfarm establishments 2001
79 Private nonfarm establishments 2002
80 Private nonfarm establishments 2003
81 Private nonfarm establishments 2004
82 Private nonfarm establishments 2005
83 Private nonfarm establishments 2006
84 Private nonfarm establishments 2007
85 Private nonfarm establishments 2008
86 Private nonfarm establishments 2009
87 Resident population: total females (April 1 - estimates base) 2000
88 Resident population: total females (July 1 - estimate) 2000
89 Resident population: total females (July 1 - estimate) 2001
90 Resident population: total females (July 1 - estimate) 2002
91 Retail trade: total (NAICS 44-45) - annual payroll 1997
92 Retail trade: total (NAICS 44-45) - annual payroll 2002
93 Retail trade: total (NAICS 44-45) - annual payroll 2007
94 Retail trade: total (NAICS 44-45) - sales of establishments with payroll 2002
95 Retail trade: total (SIC G) - annual payroll 1992
96 Specified owner-occupied housing units with value of $100,000 to $149,999 1990 (complete count)
97 Specified renter-occupied housing units with contract rent of $400 to $499 1990 (complete count)
98 Total physicians 2006 subject to copyright
99 Total physicians 2007 subject to copyright
100 Total population with health insurance coverage 2000

Component 6

Correlated: red

1 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net domestic migration, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004
2 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net domestic migration, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005
3 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net domestic migration, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006
4 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net domestic migration, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2007
5 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net domestic migration, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2008
6 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net domestic migration, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2009
7 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net migration total, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004
8 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net migration total, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005
9 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net migration total, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006
10 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net migration total, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2007
11 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net migration total, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2008
12 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net migration total, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2009
13 Components of change - net domestic migration for April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2000
14 Components of change - net domestic migration for July 1, 2000 to July 1, 2001
15 Components of change - net domestic migration for July 1, 2001 to July 1, 2002
16 Components of change - net domestic migration for July 1, 2002 to July 1, 2003
17 Components of change - net domestic migration for July 1, 2003 to July 1, 2004
18 Components of change - net domestic migration for July 1, 2004 to July 1, 2005
19 Components of change - net domestic migration for July 1, 2005 to July 1, 2006
20 Components of change - net domestic migration for July 1, 2006 to July 1, 2007
21 Components of change - net domestic migration for July 1, 2007 to July 1, 2008
22 Employment in all industries, net change 2000 - 2006
23 Employment in all industries, net change 2000 - 2007
24 Households - percent change 1980-1990 (complete count)
25 Households - percent change 1990-2000 (complete count)
26 Households - percent change 2000-2010 (complete count)
27 Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2000
28 Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2001
29 Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2002
30 Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2003
31 Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2004
32 Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2005
33 Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2006
34 Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2007
35 Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2008
36 Housing unit estimates - net change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2009
37 Housing unit estimates - percent change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2001
38 Housing unit estimates - percent change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2002
39 Housing unit estimates - percent change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2003
40 Housing unit estimates - percent change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2004
41 Housing unit estimates - percent change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2005
42 Housing unit estimates - percent change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2006
43 Housing unit estimates - percent change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2007
44 Housing unit estimates - percent change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2008
45 Housing unit estimates - percent change, April 1, 2000 (base) to July 1, 2009
46 Housing units by year structure built 2000 to 2004, 2005-2009
47 Mean household earnings 1999
48 Median family income 1999
49 Median household income 1999
50 Median household income 2000
51 Median household income 2001
52 Median household income 2002
53 Median household income 2003
54 Median household income 2004
55 Median household income 2005
56 Median household income 2006
57 Median household income 2007
58 Median household income 2008
59 Median household income 2009
60 Median household income in 1999
61 Median household income in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) in 2005-2009
62 Net change 1980 (revised) - 1990 (revised)
63 Net change 1990 (revised) - 2000
64 Net change 2000 - 2010
65 New private housing units authorized by building permits - single family houses 2005 (20,000-place universe)
66 New private housing units authorized by building permits - total 2005 (20,000-place universe)
67 Nonemployer: construction (NAICS 23) - receipts, 2002
68 Nonemployer: construction (NAICS 23) - receipts, 2003
69 Nonemployer: construction (NAICS 23) - receipts, 2004
70 Nonemployer: construction (NAICS 23) - receipts, 2005
71 Nonemployer: construction (NAICS 23) - receipts, 2006
72 Nonemployer: construction (NAICS 23) - receipts, 2007
73 Nonemployer: construction (NAICS 23) - receipts, 2008
74 Nonemployer: construction (NAICS 23) - receipts, 2009
75 Percent change 2000 - 2010
76 Place of work - worked in state, outside county of residence 2000
77 Place of work - worked in state, outside county of residence 2005-2009
78 Place of work - worked outside county of residence 2000
79 Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2000
80 Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2001
81 Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2002
82 Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003
83 Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004
84 Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005
85 Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006
86 Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2007
87 Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2008
88 Resident total population estimate, net change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2009
89 Resident total population estimate, percent change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2001
90 Resident total population estimate, percent change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2002
91 Resident total population estimate, percent change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003
92 Resident total population estimate, percent change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004
93 Resident total population estimate, percent change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005
94 Resident total population estimate, percent change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006
95 Resident total population estimate, percent change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2007
96 Resident total population estimate, percent change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2008
97 Resident total population estimate, percent change - April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2009
98 Total housing units - percent change, 1980 (revised) to 1990 (revised)
99 Total housing units - percent change, 1990 (revised) to 2000
100 Valuation of new private housing units authorized by building permits 2005 (20,000-place universe)

Anticorrelated: blue

1 Deaths 1985
2 Families for whom poverty status has been determined 1970
3 Families for whom poverty status has been determined 1980
4 Families with no workers 1980
5 Family households - married couple 1970 (complete count)
6 Family households - married couple without own children under 18 years 1980 (sample)
7 Family households 1970 (complete count)
8 Family households 1980 (complete count)
9 Family households 1980 (sample)
10 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments for individuals, retirement and disability FY 1983
11 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments for individuals, retirement and disability FY 1984
12 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments for individuals, retirement and disability FY 1985
13 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1986
14 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1987
15 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1988
16 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1989
17 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1990
18 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1991
19 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1992
20 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1993
21 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1994
22 Federal Government expenditure - total FY 1984
23 Federal Government expenditure - total FY 1990
24 Federal Government expenditure - total FY 1992
25 Federal Government expenditure - total FY 1993
26 Female population 1980 (complete count)
27 Females 15 years and over - now married, except separated 1980 (complete count)
28 Households 1970 (complete count)
29 Households 1980 (complete count)
30 Households with income less than $10,000 in 1979
31 Households with income less than $10,000 in 1989
32 Households with income of $10,000 to $14,999 in 1989
33 Households with persons 65 years and over 1990 (complete count)
34 Households with Social Security income 1990
35 Households, total 1980 (sample)
36 Housing tenure - occupied housing units - owner-occupied 1980 (sample)
37 Housing units by year structure built 1940 to 1949, 1990 (sample)
38 Housing units by year structure built 1940 to 1949, 2000 (sample)
39 Housing units by year structure built 1940 to 1949, 2005-2009
40 Local government employment - full-time equivalent (October) 1972
41 Local government employment - full-time equivalent (October) 1977
42 Local government employment - full-time equivalent (October) 1982
43 Local government finances - population used for per capita FY 1972
44 Local government finances - population used for per capita FY 1977
45 Males 15 years and over - now married, except separated 1980 (complete count)
46 Nonfamily households - one-person 1980 (complete count)
47 Nonfamily households - one-person 1980 (sample)
48 Occupied housing units 1970 (complete count)
49 Occupied housing units 1980 (complete count)
50 Occupied housing units 1980 (sample)
51 Owner-occupied housing units 1980 (complete count)
52 Persons 25 years and over, total 1980
53 Persons for whom poverty status has been determined in 1979
54 Persons in family households - householder 1980 (sample)
55 Persons in households 1970 (complete count)
56 Persons in households 1980 (complete count)
57 Persons in households 1980 (sample)
58 Resident population (April 1 - complete count) 1960
59 Resident population (April 1 - complete count) 1970
60 Resident population (April 1 - complete count) 1980
61 Resident population (April 1 - revised) 1970
62 Resident population (April 1 - revised) 1980
63 Resident population (complete count) 1980
64 Resident population 1980 (sample)
65 Resident population 45 to 54 years (complete count) 1980
66 Resident population 55 to 59 years (complete count) 1980
67 Resident population 60 to 64 years (complete count) 1980
68 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1971
69 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1972
70 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1973
71 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1974
72 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1975
73 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1976
74 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1977
75 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1978
76 Resident total population estimate (July 1) 1979
77 Social security - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1980
78 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1975
79 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1980
80 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1985
81 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1990
82 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1991
83 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1992
84 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1990
85 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1991
86 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1992
87 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1990
88 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1991
89 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1992
90 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1993
91 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1994
92 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1995
93 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1996
94 Total housing units 1960 (complete count)
95 Total housing units 1970 (complete count, revised)
96 Total housing units 1970 (complete count)
97 Total housing units 1980 (complete count, revised)
98 Total housing units 1980 (complete count)
99 Total housing units 1980 (sample)
100 Total persons 1980 (sample)

Component 7

Correlated: red

1 All persons under 18 years without health insurance 2005
2 Domestic water use: total self-supplied withdrawals 2005
3 Domestic water use: total self-supplied withdrawals by source, ground water 2005
4 Employed persons by class of worker - local government 2000
5 Employed persons by class of worker - local government 2005-2009
6 Hispanic females 1990 (sample)
7 Hispanic households 1990 (sample)
8 Hispanic males 1990 (sample)
9 Hispanic or Latino females 2000 (sample)
10 Hispanic or Latino persons 2000 (sample)
11 Hispanic or Latino persons 25 years and over - some college, no degree 2000 (sample)
12 Hispanic or Latino persons 5 to 14 years 2000 (sample)
13 Hispanic or Latino persons 5 to 14 years 2010 (complete count)
14 Hispanic or Latino persons 60 to 64 years 2010 (complete count)
15 Hispanic or Latino population - Mexican 2000 (complete count)
16 Hispanic or Latino population 2000 (complete count)
17 Hispanic or Latino population for whom poverty status has been determined 1999
18 Hispanic persons 15 to 59 years 1990 (sample)
19 Hispanic persons 1990 (sample)
20 Hispanic persons 25 years and over - high school graduate only (includes equivalency) 1990 (sample)
21 Hispanic persons 25 years and over 1990 (sample)
22 Hispanic persons 5 to 14 years 1990 (sample)
23 Hispanic persons for whom poverty status has been determined 1989
24 Hispanic persons under 5 years 1990 (sample)
25 Occupied housing units with Hispanic householder 1990 (complete count)
26 Other race (not elsewhere classified) 1980 (complete count)
27 Other race (not elsewhere classified) 1990 (complete count)
28 Owner-occupied housing units with Hispanic householder 1990 (complete count)
29 Owner-occupied housing units with Hispanic or Latino householder 2000 (complete count)
30 Owner-occupied housing units with Hispanic or Latino householder 2010(complete count)
31 Percent foreign-born population 2000 (sample)
32 Percent Hispanic or Latino population 2000 (complete count)
33 Percent Hispanic or Latino population 2010 (complete count)
34 Percent population of two or more races 2000 (complete count)
35 Percent population of two or more races 2010 (complete count)
36 Persons of Hispanic Origin - Mexican 1990 (complete count)
37 Persons of Hispanic Origin 1990 (complete count)
38 Place of birth, foreign-born, percent, 2005-2009
39 Population 5 years and over language spoken at home - speak language other than English, percent, 2005-2009
40 Population of one race - American Indian and Alaska Native alone 2000 (complete count)
41 Population of one race - American Indian and Alaska Native alone 2010 (complete count)
42 Population of one race - percent American Indian and Alaska Native alone 2000 (complete count)
43 Population of one race - percent American Indian and Alaska Native alone 2010 (complete count)
44 Renter-occupied housing units with Hispanic householder 1990 (complete count)
45 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (April 1 - complete count) 2000
46 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (April 1 - complete count) 2010
47 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (April 1 - estimates base) 2000
48 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1 - estimate) 2000
49 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1 - estimate) 2001
50 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1 - estimate) 2002
51 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1 - estimate) 2003
52 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1 - estimate) 2004
53 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1 - estimate) 2005
54 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1 - estimate) 2006
55 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1 - estimate) 2007
56 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1 - estimate) 2008
57 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone (July 1 - estimate) 2009
58 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
59 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
60 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
61 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
62 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
63 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
64 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
65 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
66 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
67 Resident population: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
68 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (April 1 - complete count) 2000
69 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (April 1 - estimates base) 2000
70 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2000
71 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2001
72 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2002
73 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2003
74 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2004
75 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2005
76 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2006
77 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2007
78 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2008
79 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
80 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
81 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
82 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
83 Resident population: males per 100 females (April 1 - complete count) 2000
84 Resident population: males per 100 females (April 1 - complete count) 2010
85 Resident population: males per 100 females (April 1 - estimate base) 2000
86 Resident population: males per 100 females (July 1 - estimate) 2000
87 Resident population: males per 100 females (July 1 - estimate) 2001
88 Resident population: males per 100 females (July 1 - estimate) 2002
89 Resident population: males per 100 females (July 1 - estimate) 2003
90 Resident population: males per 100 females (July 1 - estimate) 2004
91 Resident population: males per 100 females (July 1 - estimate) 2005
92 Resident population: males per 100 females (July 1 - estimate) 2006
93 Resident population: males per 100 females (July 1 - estimate) 2007
94 Resident population: males per 100 females (July 1 - estimate) 2008
95 Resident population: males per 100 females (July 1 - estimate) 2009
96 School enrollment - persons 3 years and over enrolled in high school grades 9 to 12: 2000
97 School enrollment - persons 3 years and over enrolled in high school grades 9 to 12: public 2000
98 Vehicles available per occupied housing unit 1990 (sample)
99 Vote cast for president - percent other, Independent (Perot) 1992 Subject to copyright
100 Vote cast for president- percent other 1992 Subject to copyright

Anticorrelated: blue

1 Deaths 1970
2 Deaths 1975
3 Deaths 1980
4 Deaths 1985
5 Deaths 1990
6 Deaths 1991
7 Deaths 1992
8 Deaths 1993
9 Deaths 1994
10 Deaths 1995
11 Deaths 1997
12 Deaths per 1,000 population 1980
13 Deaths per 1,000 population 1985
14 Deaths per 1,000 population 1990
15 Deaths per 1,000 population 1991
16 Deaths per 1,000 population 1992
17 Deaths per 1,000 population 1993
18 Deaths per 1,000 population 1994
19 Deaths per 1,000 population 1995
20 Deaths per 1,000 population 1996
21 Deaths per 1,000 population 1997
22 Deaths per 1,000 population 1998
23 Deaths per 1,000 population 1999
24 Deaths per 1,000 population 2000
25 Deaths per 1,000 population 2001
26 Deaths per 1,000 population 2002
27 Deaths per 1,000 population 2003
28 Deaths per 1,000 population 2004
29 Deaths per 1,000 population 2005
30 Deaths per 1,000 population 2006
31 Deaths per 1,000 population 2007
32 Families with no workers 1980
33 Family households - female householder, no spouse present without own children under 18 years 1980 (sample)
34 Family households - female householder, no spouse present without own children under 18 years 1990 (sample)
35 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1995
36 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1996
37 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1997
38 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1998
39 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 1999
40 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2000
41 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2001
42 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2002
43 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2003
44 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2004
45 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2005
46 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2006
47 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2007
48 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2008
49 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2009
50 Federal Government expenditure - other direct payments for individuals FY 2010
51 Females 15 years and over - widowed 1980 (complete count)
52 Females 15 years and over - widowed 1990 (complete count)
53 Females 15 years and over - widowed 2000 (sample)
54 Households with income less than $10,000 in 1979
55 Households with persons 65 years and over 1980 (complete count)
56 Households with persons 65 years and over 1990 (complete count)
57 Males 15 years and over - widowed 1980 (complete count)
58 Nonfamily households - one-person with female householder 1980 (complete count)
59 Nonfamily households - one-person with female householder 1990 (complete count)
60 Occupied housing units with no vehicles available 1980 (sample)
61 Occupied housing units with no vehicles available 1990 (sample)
62 Persons 65 years and over below poverty level 1979
63 Persons 65 years and over below poverty level 1989
64 Persons 65 yrs and over for whom poverty status has been determined 1979
65 Persons in nonfamily households - female householder 1980 (sample)
66 Persons in nonfamily households - female householder 1990 (sample)
67 Resident population 65 years and over (complete count) 1980
68 Resident population: total females, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
69 Resident population: total females, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
70 Resident population: total females, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
71 Resident population: total females, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
72 Resident population: total females, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
73 Resident population: total females, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
74 Resident population: total females, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
75 Resident population: total females, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
76 Resident population: total females, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
77 Resident population: total females, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
78 Resident population: total females, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2009
79 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1970
80 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1975
81 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1980
82 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1985
83 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1990
84 Social security - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1991
85 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1990
86 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1990
87 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1991
88 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1992
89 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1993
90 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1994
91 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1995
92 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1996
93 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1997
94 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1998
95 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1999
96 Social security: widows and widowers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2000
97 Specified renter-occupied housing units with contract rent of $100 to $199 2000 (sample)
98 Specified renter-occupied housing units with contract rent of less than $100 1990 (complete count)
99 Vote cast for president- percent Democratic 1992 Subject to copyright
100 Years of school completed - persons 25 years and over completing 0 to 8 years of school 1980

Component 8

Correlated: red

1 All persons under 18 years without health insurance 2005
2 All persons under 18 years without health insurance 2006
3 All persons under 18 years without health insurance 2007
4 Births per 1,000 population 2006
5 Births per 1,000 population 2007
6 Children under age 18 without health insurance coverage 2000
7 Hispanic households - total 2000 (sample)
8 Hispanic or Latino families - total 2000 (sample)
9 Hispanic or Latino families - total 2005-2009
10 Hispanic or Latino families with income of $25,000 to $34,999 in 1999 (sample)
11 Hispanic or Latino families with income of $35,000 to $49,999 in 1999 (sample)
12 Hispanic or Latino females 2000 (sample)
13 Hispanic or Latino females 2010 (complete count)
14 Hispanic or Latino households - total 2005-2009
15 Hispanic or Latino households with income of $15,000 to $24,999 in 1999 (sample)
16 Hispanic or Latino households with income of $25,000 to $34,999 in 1999 (sample)
17 Hispanic or Latino households with income of $35,000 to $49,999 in 1999 (sample)
18 Hispanic or Latino males 2000 (sample)
19 Hispanic or Latino males 2010 (complete count)
20 Hispanic or Latino persons 15 to 59 years 2000 (sample)
21 Hispanic or Latino persons 15 to 59 years 2010 (complete count)
22 Hispanic or Latino persons 2000 (sample)
23 Hispanic or Latino persons 2010 (complete count)
24 Hispanic or Latino persons 25 years and over - some college, no degree 2000 (sample)
25 Hispanic or Latino persons 25 years and over 2000 (sample)
26 Hispanic or Latino persons 25 years and over 2005-2009
27 Hispanic or Latino persons 5 to 14 years 2000 (sample)
28 Hispanic or Latino persons 5 to 14 years 2010 (complete count)
29 Hispanic or Latino persons 60 to 64 years 2010 (complete count)
30 Hispanic or Latino persons under 5 years 2000 (sample)
31 Hispanic or Latino persons under 5 years 2010 (complete count)
32 Hispanic or Latino persons, educational attainment, 25 years and over, female, completing less than high school diploma 2005-2009
33 Hispanic or Latino persons, educational attainment, 25 years and over, female, total 2005-2009
34 Hispanic or Latino persons, educational attainment, 25 years and over, male, total 2005-2009
35 Hispanic or Latino persons, family households 2005-2009
36 Hispanic or Latino persons, family households, married-couple 2005-2009
37 Hispanic or Latino persons, households 2005-2009
38 Hispanic or Latino persons, persons in family households 2005-2009
39 Hispanic or Latino persons, persons in family households, married couple family 2005-2009
40 Hispanic or Latino persons, persons in family households, married couple family, relatives 2005-2009
41 Hispanic or Latino persons, persons in households 2005-2009
42 Hispanic or Latino population - Mexican 2000 (complete count)
43 Hispanic or Latino population - Mexican 2010 (complete count)
44 Hispanic or Latino population 2000 (complete count)
45 Hispanic or Latino population 2010 (complete count)
46 Hispanic or Latino population below poverty level 1999
47 Hispanic or Latino population below poverty level 2005-2009
48 Hispanic or Latino population for whom poverty status has been determined 1999
49 Hispanic or Latino population for whom poverty status has been determined 2005-2009
50 Hispanic persons for whom poverty status has been determined 1989
51 Occupied housing units with Hispanic or Latino householder 2000 (complete count)
52 Occupied housing units with Hispanic or Latino householder 2010 (complete count)
53 Owner-occupied housing units with Hispanic or Latino householder 2000 (complete count)
54 Owner-occupied housing units with Hispanic or Latino householder 2010(complete count)
55 Persons of Hispanic Origin - Mexican 1990 (complete count)
56 Persons of Hispanic Origin 1990 (complete count)
57 Population 5 years and over by residence in 1995 - different state, West 2000 (sample)
58 Population 5 years and over language spoken at home - speak Spanish 2005-2009
59 Population 5 years and over language spoken at home - speak Spanish, speak English less than very well 2005-2009
60 Population 5 years and over language spoken at home -speak language other than English 2005-2009
61 Population 5 years and over speaking language other than English at home 2000 (sample)
62 Population 5 years and over speaking Spanish language at home 2000 (sample)
63 Population 5 years and over, percent speaking language other than English at home 2000 (sample)
64 Population of one race - percent Some other race alone 2000 (complete count)
65 Population of one race - percent Some other race alone 2010 (complete count)
66 Population of one race - Some other race alone 2000 (complete count)
67 Population of one race - Some other race alone 2010 (complete count)
68 Renter-occupied housing units with Hispanic householder 1990 (complete count)
69 Renter-occupied housing units with Hispanic or Latino householder 2000 (complete count)
70 Renter-occupied housing units with Hispanic or Latino householder 2010 (complete count)
71 Resident population under 5 years, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
72 Resident population under 5 years, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
73 Resident population under 5 years, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
74 Resident population under 5 years, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
75 Resident population under 5 years, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2009
76 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (April 1 - complete count) 2000
77 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (April 1 - complete count) 2010
78 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (April 1 - estimates base) 2000
79 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2000
80 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2001
81 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2002
82 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2003
83 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2004
84 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2005
85 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2006
86 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2007
87 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2008
88 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin (July 1 - estimate) 2009
89 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
90 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
91 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
92 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
93 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
94 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
95 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
96 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
97 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
98 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
99 Resident population: Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2009
100 Total population without health insurance coverage 2000

Anticorrelated: blue

1 Average travel time to work for workers 16 years and over who did not work at home 2005-2009
2 Average travel time to work for workers 16 years and over who did not work at home 1990
3 Average travel time to work for workers 16 years and over who did not work at home 2000
4 Civilian labor force unemployment rate 1991
5 Civilian labor force unemployment rate 2006
6 Civilian labor force unemployment rate 2007
7 Civilian labor force unemployment rate 2008
8 Civilian labor force unemployment rate 2009
9 Civilian labor force unemployment rate 2010
10 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net domestic migration, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004
11 Components of change - cumulative estimates - net domestic migration, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005
12 Components of change - net domestic migration for April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2000
13 Components of change - net domestic migration for July 1, 2000 to July 1, 2001
14 Deaths per 1,000 population 1970
15 Domestic water use: self-supplied population 1990
16 Domestic water use: self-supplied population 1995
17 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - high school graduate (includes equivalency) 2000
18 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - high school graduate (includes equivalency) 2005-2009
19 Employed persons by industry (NAICS) - manufacturing 2000
20 Employment status - in labor force, civilian labor force, unemployed, total 1980
21 Employment status - unemployed civilian labor force, males 1980
22 Employment status - unemployed civilian labor force, percent of civilian labor force 1980
23 Families with no workers 1980
24 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - disabled persons enrolled July 1, 2004
25 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - disabled persons enrolled July 1, 2005
26 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - disabled persons enrolled July 1, 2006
27 Housing units by year structure built 1939 or earlier, 1990 (sample)
28 Housing units by year structure built 1939 or earlier, 2000 (sample)
29 Housing units by year structure built 1939 or earlier, 2005-2009
30 Occupied housing units - moved in 1969 or earlier
31 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - coal or coke 1980 (sample)
32 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - coal or coke 1990 (sample)
33 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 1980 (sample)
34 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 1990 (sample)
35 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 2000 (sample)
36 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 2005-2009
37 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - wood 1980 (sample)
38 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - wood 1990 (sample)
39 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - wood 2000 (sample)
40 Occupied housing units by house heating fuel - wood 2005-2009
41 Occupied housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities 1990 (sample)
42 Owner-occupied housing units - percent of total occupied housing units 1980 (complete count)
43 Owner-occupied housing units - percent of total occupied housing units 1990 (complete count)
44 Owner-occupied housing units - percent of total occupied housing units 2000 (complete count)
45 Owner-occupied housing units - percent of total occupied housing units 2005-2009
46 Owner-occupied housing units - percent of total occupied housing units 2010 (complete count)
47 Owner-occupied housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities 1990 (sample)
48 Place of work - worked outside county of residence 1980
49 Place of work - worked outside county of residence 1990
50 Population 5 years and over by residence in 1995 - percent in same house 2000 (sample)
51 Population of one race - percent White alone 2000 (complete count)
52 Population of one race - percent White alone 2010 (complete count)
53 Population of one race - percent White alone, not Hispanic or Latino 2000 (complete count)
54 Population of one race - percent White alone, not Hispanic or Latino 2010 (complete count)
55 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
56 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
57 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
58 Resident population 65 years and over, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2009
59 Resident population: Median age (April 1 - complete count) 2000
60 Resident population: Median age (April 1 - complete count) 2010
61 Resident population: Median age (complete count) 1990
62 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2000
63 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
64 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (April 1 - estimates base) 2000
65 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2000
66 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2001
67 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2002
68 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2003
69 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2004
70 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2005
71 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2006
72 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2007
73 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2008
74 Resident population: Not Hispanic, White alone, percent (July 1 - estimate) 2009
75 Resident population: White alone, percent (April 1 - complete count) 2010
76 Rural population 1980 (complete count)
77 Rural population 1990 (sample)
78 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1990
79 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1991
80 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1992
81 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1998
82 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1999
83 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2000
84 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2001
85 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2002
86 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2003
87 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2004
88 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2005
89 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2006
90 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2007
91 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2008
92 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2009
93 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2010
94 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2000
95 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2004
96 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2009
97 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2010
98 Vote cast for president - Democratic 1980 Subject to copyright
99 Vote cast for president - percent other, Reform (Perot) 1996 Subject to copyright
100 Vote cast for president- percent other 1996 Subject to copyright

Component 9

Correlated: red

1 Civilian noninstitutionalized population 21 to 64 years, no disability - percent employed 2000 (sample)
2 Civilian noninstitutionalized population 21 to 64 years, with a disability - percent employed 2000 (sample)
3 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent high school graduate or higher 1980
4 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent high school graduate or higher 1990
5 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent high school graduate or higher 2000
6 Educational attainment - persons 25 years and over - percent high school graduate or higher 2005-2009
7 Housing units with 8 rooms, 2005-2009
8 Housing units with 9 rooms or more, 2005-2009
9 Interest received, including taxable and non-taxable interest income 2004
10 Interest received, including taxable and non-taxable interest income 2005
11 Local government finances - general revenue, property taxes FY 1997
12 Local government finances - general revenue, property taxes per capita FY 1977
13 Local government finances - general revenue, property taxes per capita FY 1997
14 Local government finances - general revenue, property taxes per capita FY 2002
15 Mean family income in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) in 2005-2009
16 Mean household income in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) in 2005-2009
17 Mean household income with earnings in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) in 2005-2009
18 Mean household Social Security income 1999
19 Means of transportation to work - worked at home 1990
20 Means of transportation to work - worked at home 2000
21 Means of transportation to work - worked at home 2005-2009
22 Median earnings for male full-time, year-round workers in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) 2005-2009
23 Median earnings for workers in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) 2005-2009
24 Median family income 1969
25 Median family income 1979
26 Median family income 1989
27 Median family income 1999
28 Median family income in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) in 2005-2009
29 Median household income 1995
30 Median household income 1997
31 Median household income 1998
32 Median household income 1999
33 Median household income 2000
34 Median household income 2001
35 Median household income 2002
36 Median household income 2003
37 Median household income 2004
38 Median household income 2005
39 Median household income 2006
40 Median household income 2007
41 Median household income 2008
42 Median household income 2009
43 Median household income in 1979
44 Median household income in 1989
45 Median household income in 1999
46 Median household income in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) in 2005-2009
47 Median selected monthly owner costs of specified owner-occupied housing units with a mortgage 1980 (sample)
48 Nonfamily households median income in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) 2005-2009
49 Per capita income in 1969
50 Per capita income in 1979
51 Per capita income in 1989
52 Per capita income in 1999
53 Per capita income in the past 12 months (in 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars) in 2005-2009
54 Per capita personal income 1969
55 Per capita personal income 1970
56 Per capita personal income 1971
57 Per capita personal income 1972
58 Per capita personal income 1973
59 Per capita personal income 1974
60 Per capita personal income 1975
61 Per capita personal income 1976
62 Per capita personal income 1977
63 Per capita personal income 1978
64 Per capita personal income 1979
65 Per capita personal income 1980
66 Per capita personal income 1981
67 Per capita personal income 1982
68 Per capita personal income 1983
69 Per capita personal income 1984
70 Per capita personal income 1985
71 Per capita personal income 1986
72 Per capita personal income 1987
73 Per capita personal income 1988
74 Per capita personal income 1989
75 Per capita personal income 1990
76 Per capita personal income 1991
77 Per capita personal income 1992
78 Per capita personal income 1993
79 Per capita personal income 1994
80 Per capita personal income 1995
81 Per capita personal income 1996
82 Per capita personal income 1997
83 Per capita personal income 1998
84 Per capita personal income 1999
85 Per capita personal income 2000
86 Per capita personal income 2001
87 Per capita personal income 2002
88 Per capita personal income 2003
89 Per capita personal income 2004
90 Per capita personal income 2005
91 Per capita personal income 2006
92 Per capita personal income 2007
93 Population of one race - percent White alone 2000 (complete count)
94 Vote cast for president - other 1980 Subject to copyright
95 Vote cast for president - other 1992 Subject to copyright
96 Vote cast for president - other 2000 Subject to copyright
97 Vote cast for president - other, Green (Nader) 2000 Subject to copyright
98 Vote cast for president - other, Independent (Perot) 1992 Subject to copyright
99 Vote cast for president- percent other 1980 Subject to copyright
100 Years of school completed - persons 25 years and over completing 12 years or more of school 1980

Anticorrelated: blue

1 Families below poverty level 1989
2 Families below poverty level 1999
3 Families below poverty level 2005-2009
4 Families with female householder, no husband present below poverty level 1999
5 Families with female householder, no husband present with related children under 18 years below poverty level 1999
6 Families with income of $10,000 to $14,999 in 1999
7 Families with income of less than $10,000 in 1989
8 Families with income of less than $10,000 in 1999
9 Families with related children under 18 years below poverty level 1989
10 Families with related children under 18 years below poverty level 1999
11 Households with income less than $10,000 in 1999
12 People of all ages in poverty - number 1995
13 People of all ages in poverty - number 1997
14 People of all ages in poverty - number 1998
15 People of all ages in poverty - number 1999
16 People of all ages in poverty - number 2000
17 People of all ages in poverty - number 2001
18 People of all ages in poverty - number 2002
19 People of all ages in poverty - number 2003
20 People of all ages in poverty - number 2004
21 People of all ages in poverty - number 2005
22 People of all ages in poverty - number 2006
23 People of all ages in poverty - number 2007
24 People of all ages in poverty - number 2008
25 People of all ages in poverty - percent 1995
26 People of all ages in poverty - percent 1997
27 People of all ages in poverty - percent 1998
28 People of all ages in poverty - percent 1999
29 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2000
30 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2001
31 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2002
32 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2003
33 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2004
34 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2005
35 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2006
36 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2007
37 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2008
38 People of all ages in poverty - percent 2009
39 People under age 18 in poverty - number 1995
40 People under age 18 in poverty - number 1997
41 People under age 18 in poverty - number 1998
42 People under age 18 in poverty - number 1999
43 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2000
44 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2001
45 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2002
46 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2003
47 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2004
48 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2005
49 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2006
50 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2007
51 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2008
52 People under age 18 in poverty - number 2009
53 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 1995
54 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 1997
55 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 1999
56 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2000
57 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2001
58 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2002
59 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2003
60 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2004
61 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2005
62 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2006
63 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2007
64 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2008
65 People under age 18 in poverty - percent 2009
66 Persons below poverty level 1989
67 Population below poverty level 1999
68 Related children 5 to 17 years below poverty level 1989
69 Related children 5 to 17 years below poverty level 1999
70 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 1995
71 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 1997
72 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 1998
73 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 1999
74 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2000
75 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2001
76 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2002
77 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2003
78 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2004
79 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2005
80 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2006
81 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2007
82 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2008
83 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - number 2009
84 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 1995
85 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 1997
86 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 1998
87 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 1999
88 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2000
89 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2001
90 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2002
91 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2003
92 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2004
93 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2005
94 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2006
95 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2007
96 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2008
97 Related children age 5 to 17 in families in poverty - percent 2009
98 Related children under 18 years below poverty level 1989
99 Related children under 18 years below poverty level 1999
100 Related children under 18 years below poverty level 2005-2009

Component 10

Correlated: red

1 Aggregate household retirement income 1989
2 Aggregate household retirement income 1999
3 All persons 18 to 64 years without health insurance 2005
4 All persons 18 to 64 years without health insurance 2006
5 All persons 18 to 64 years without health insurance 2007
6 All persons 40 to 64 years without health insurance 2005
7 All persons 40 to 64 years without health insurance 2006
8 All persons 40 to 64 years without health insurance 2007
9 All persons under 65 years without health insurance 2005
10 All persons under 65 years without health insurance 2006
11 All persons under 65 years without health insurance 2007
12 Average age of farm operators (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
13 Average age of farm operators (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
14 Average age of farm operators (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
15 Civilian noninstitutionalized population 21 to 64 years, with a disability 2000 (sample)
16 Employment status - not in labor force, females 2005-2009
17 Employment status - not in labor force, males 2005-2009
18 Employment status - not in labor force, total 2005-2009
19 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 1992
20 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 1993
21 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 1994
22 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 1995
23 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 1996
24 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 1997
25 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 1998
26 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 1999
27 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 2000
28 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 2001
29 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 2002
30 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 2003
31 Federal Government expenditure - Department of Defense FY 2004
32 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments for individuals, retirement and disability FY 2005
33 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments for individuals, retirement and disability FY 2006
34 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments for individuals, retirement and disability FY 2007
35 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments for individuals, retirement and disability FY 2008
36 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments for individuals, retirement and disability FY 2009
37 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments for individuals, retirement and disability FY 2010
38 Females 15 years and over - divorced 2005-2009
39 Females 15 years and over - married, spouse absent 2005-2009
40 Females 15 years and over - separated 2000 (sample)
41 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - disabled persons enrolled July 1, 2004
42 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - disabled persons enrolled July 1, 2005
43 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - disabled persons enrolled July 1, 2006
44 Hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) - disabled persons enrolled July 1, 2007
45 Households with retirement income 2000
46 Housing units by year structure built 1980 to 1984, 1990 (sample)
47 Housing units by year structure built 1980 to 1989, 2000 (sample)
48 Housing units by year structure built 1980 to 1989, 2005-2009
49 Housing units by year structure built 1985 to 1988, 1990 (sample)
50 Housing units by year structure built 1990 to 1994, 2000 (sample)
51 Housing units with 4 rooms, 2005-2009
52 Housing units with 5 rooms, 2005-2009
53 Mean household retirement income 1989
54 Number of burglaries known to police 1993
55 Number of burglaries known to police 1994
56 Number of burglaries known to police 1998
57 Number of burglaries known to police 1999
58 Number of burglaries known to police 2004
59 Number of motor vehicle thefts known to police 2005
60 Number of motor vehicle thefts known to police 2006
61 Number of motor vehicle thefts known to police 2007
62 Number of motor vehicle thefts known to police 2008
63 Number of violent crimes known to police 2006
64 People of all ages in poverty - number 2002
65 People of all ages in poverty - number 2003
66 People of all ages in poverty - number 2009
67 Persons in family households - other relatives 2005-2009
68 Population 5 years and over, with a disability 2000 (sample)
69 Resident population 60 to 64 years (April 1 - complete count) 2010
70 Resident population 65 to 69 years (April 1 - complete count) 2010
71 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1996
72 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1997
73 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1998
74 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 1999
75 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2000
76 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2001
77 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2002
78 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2003
79 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2004
80 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2005
81 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2006
82 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2007
83 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2008
84 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2009
85 Social security: disabled workers - benefit payments for month (Dec.) 2010
86 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1998
87 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 1999
88 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2000
89 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2001
90 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2002
91 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2003
92 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2004
93 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2005
94 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2006
95 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2007
96 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2008
97 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2009
98 Social security: disabled workers - benefit recipients (Dec.) 2010
99 Supplemental security income - payments for month (Dec.) 2010
100 Total housing units - percent change, 1980 (revised) to 1990 (revised)

Anticorrelated: blue

1 Cropland - harvested (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (adjusted)
2 Cropland - harvested (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (not adjusted)
3 Cropland - harvested (SIC) 1992 (acres) (not adjusted)
4 Cropland - harvested cropland (NAICS) 2002 (acres) (adjusted)
5 Cropland - harvested cropland (NAICS) 2007 (acres) (adjusted)
6 Cropland - total (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (adjusted)
7 Cropland - total (NAICS) 1997 (acres) (not adjusted)
8 Cropland - total (NAICS) 2002 (acres) (adjusted)
9 Cropland - total (NAICS) 2007 (acres) (adjusted)
10 Cropland - total (SIC) 1992 (acres) (not adjusted)
11 Farm earnings (NAICS, no code) 2004
12 Farm earnings (NAICS, no code) 2005
13 Farm earnings (NAICS, no code) 2007
14 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
15 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
16 Farm operators by principal occupation - farming (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
17 Farms by size - with 1,000 to 1,999 acres (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
18 Farms by size - with 1,000 to 1,999 acres (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
19 Farms by size - with 1,000 to 1,999 acres (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
20 Farms by size - with 1,000 to 1,999 acres (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
21 Farms by size - with 1000 to 1999 acres (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
22 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
23 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
24 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
25 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
26 Farms by size - with 500 to 999 acres (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
27 Farms with sales of $100,000 to $499,999 (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
28 Farms with sales of $100,000 to $499,999 (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
29 Farms with sales of $100000 to $499999 (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
30 Farms with sales of $25,000 to $49,999 (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
31 Farms with sales of $25000 to $49999 (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
32 Farms with sales of $50,000 to $99,999 (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
33 Farms with sales of $50,000 to $99,999 (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
34 Farms with sales of $500,000 or more (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
35 Farms with sales of $500,000 or more (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
36 Farms with sales of $50000 to $99999 (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
37 Farms with sales of $500000 or more (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
38 Federal Government direct loans FY 1983
39 Federal Government direct loans FY 1984
40 Federal Government direct loans FY 1985
41 Federal Government direct loans FY 1986
42 Federal Government direct loans FY 1987
43 Federal Government direct loans FY 1988
44 Federal Government direct loans FY 1989
45 Federal Government direct loans FY 1990
46 Federal Government direct loans FY 1991
47 Federal Government direct loans FY 1992
48 Federal Government direct loans FY 1993
49 Federal Government direct loans FY 1994
50 Federal Government direct loans FY 1995
51 Federal Government direct loans FY 1996
52 Federal Government direct loans FY 1998
53 Federal Government direct loans FY 2001
54 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1983
55 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1984
56 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1985
57 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1986
58 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1987
59 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1988
60 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1989
61 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1990
62 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1991
63 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1992
64 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1993
65 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1994
66 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1995
67 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1996
68 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1997
69 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1998
70 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 1999
71 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2000
72 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2001
73 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2002
74 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2003
75 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2004
76 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2005
77 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2006
78 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2007
79 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2008
80 Federal Government expenditure - direct payments other than for individuals FY 2009
81 Federal Government insurance FY 1992
82 Land in farms (NAICS) 2007 (acres) (adjusted)
83 Means of transportation to work - worked at home 1980
84 Rural farm population 1980 (sample)
85 Rural farm population 1990 (sample)
86 Rural farm population 2000 (sample)
87 Value of farm products sold - crops (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
88 Value of farm products sold - crops (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
89 Value of farm products sold - crops (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
90 Value of farm products sold - crops (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
91 Value of farm products sold - crops (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
92 Value of farm products sold - livestock, poultry and their products (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
93 Value of farm products sold - livestock, poultry and their products (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
94 Value of farm products sold - livestock, poultry and their products (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
95 Value of farm products sold - livestock, poultry and their products (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)
96 Value of farm products sold - total (NAICS) 1997 (adjusted)
97 Value of farm products sold - total (NAICS) 1997 (not adjusted)
98 Value of farm products sold - total (NAICS) 2002 (adjusted)
99 Value of farm products sold - total (NAICS) 2007 (adjusted)
100 Value of farm products sold - total (SIC) 1992 (not adjusted)